Sunday, August 8, 2010

Manga Update -- Liar Game and Deadman Wonderland

so i've started reading both Deadman Wonderland and Liar Game. at this point, i don't have much to say about either of them... but i wanted to use this post to track my progress x3 i only read the first chapter of DW but i'll read more soon.
as for Liar Game, i'm still on the first volume. see, i started watching the drama version of it, which is 11 episodes long. i'm on episode 2 of that. then i realized that Liar Game had been on my want-to-read list of manga for a long time, and i would probably enjoy the manga more if i read it BEFORE i saw the drama. so i halted my progress on the television version, and i'm now reading the book. :> 
so far, i can say that i don't especially like the art style. everyone has tiny mouths... well, except for the main character's old middle school teacher: 

i'm glad none of MY middle school teachers looked like this... o_O
and everyone has really pronounced lips and eyes. it feels like the artist was TRYING to make it a more realistic manga, but they just didn't know how. they try to make everyone look different, but they do it by making things a little too cartoon-y for my tastes. (once again, i learn that not everyone can be Naoki Urasawa...)
anyways, it's time to go back to reading~

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