One of my all-time favorite series is an anime called Monster, created by Naoki Urasawa. it's a masterpiece! :D Urasawa is a legend. i only hope that 20th Century Boys will someday be made into an anime, because that's my favorite thing he's written~ and oh! i still have to read "Pluto", Urasawa's famed Astro Boy tribute, which even credits Osamu Tezuka as a posthumous creator.
Anyways, recently i have been re-watching Monster with my best friend, Kimi. (she's my bestie for estie. true otakuz4lyfe!!) she just left, and we are now on episode 34. this is the point where things get reaallly suspenseful. :D this arc is one of my favorite parts in the whole series. even though i've seen it before, i still feel the suspense and excitement when new discoveries are made in Dr. Tenma's investigation of the young sociopath, Johan Liebert... by the way, for a summary of the series, click the title. it'll take you to a website where you can watch the whole series.
so yeah, i just thought i would mention on here that i'm re-watching Monster, so i can post any new thoughts i have about it on the second time through. and i've been meaning to get some funny/interesting screenshots too. in fact, here is one that i just took:

see, this picture is interesting to me because i am a geek. i am a HUGE fan of Shigesato Itoi's MOTHER series, which includes the English-released game EarthBound. in episode 34, Dieter is totally wearing Ness's classic outfit. and with Dieter's orange hair, he looks like a cross between Ness and Claus, from Mother 3...

both images above are screenshots from Super Smash Brothers Brawl. psh, maybe that "brawling" is actually baby-making, and Ness and Lucas's colorswap of Claus got it on and... like, had Dieter, from Monster... and... okay well maybe it's more of a coincidence than a conspiracy. <_<; but it's interesting to me. *hmph~* and hey, EarthBound came out in 1995, and that episode of Monster takes place in 1996. ohmigosh!! :O
ANYWAYS... that's all i have to say for now. look forward to more Monster stuff ;D and actually, for more MOTHER stuff too, i'm sure. i can relate almost aannnything the MOTHER :D i'm obsessed with both Naoki Urasawa and Shigesato Itoi, hehe~
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